in the old dashboard a level like this was possible:
100 on the left side, 0 on the right side, moving left to right.
For slider in dashboard 2 this seems not to be possible. Can I use anything else to achive the same?
in the old dashboard a level like this was possible:
100 on the left side, 0 on the right side, moving left to right.
For slider in dashboard 2 this seems not to be possible. Can I use anything else to achive the same?
Please raise an issue on the dashboard repository: Sign in to GitHub · GitHub
In the mean time, you could simply add a ui-template with a v-slider
that sends the new value to node-red upon update
Can you give a quick hint on the update function?
The supported events are listed in that link i shared.
However, to save you some reading, the interesting part is here:
To send something to node-red use this.send
e.g this.send({payload: value}
Docs: Template ui-template | Node-RED Dashboard 2.0