Seems odd that node-red 'executable' (/usr/sbin/node-red) has no --version or -V command line option? Begs for an addition next update right?
Running the executable while it is already running also does not seem to retire its-self, which would be a good add to the design as well. I can't seem to think of a use case where more than one instance of NR would be running on the same device? (Ignoring docker of course).
Upgrade in place the above command still works, I upgraded a 1.3.4 version to 1.3.5. But the fresh install the command failed. So some odd? Nothing changed with the install script recently?
Running a beta is an excellent use-case As is running an updated version against live flows in a test environment. Or even occasionally running an old instance because you've some old code that you don't want to update for some other reason (maybe it doesn't work with an updated dependency).
Or even simply to split your flows. One really good reason in a multi-user environment is to keep some core flows hidden from users. And of course to be able to keep user flows separate.
What is a use case for multiple instances? Curious... why someone would do it, other than active development of nodes? @TotallyInformation just saw your comment. Ok, I see fhe logic.