SocketIO with mongoDB

Hi every one !
I am trying to acces data sent over socketIO from a database mongo2 node. The idea is to retrive the msg.payload after de mongo2 node and send it in a socketIO node. I tried to add a socketOut just after the mongo2 node and I added a socketIn with a full msg debug to see what happens but nothing happens. So I tried to just send data like the flow below but I see that I did not understand how does socketIO work without template...
Am I using the right node? Any suggestion will help :sweat_smile:


Hi ..
you dont need third party nodes to create a websocket connection as these are part of the Node-red core nodes.


An example of their use can be found here

If your end goal is to create a Webpage / Dashboard to show this data coming from your mongodb, then you can use the Node-Red Dashboard set of nodes or Uibuilder

Thanks for your answer, I ended up using those nodes :grin:

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