FindOne on node mongodb-2 to no avail

I'm trying to use the mongodb-2 node to retrieve a saved information and for that I'm using the example of the mongodb-2 node page but without success...

In the terminal the query returns me the desired information as shown in the print below:


This is the flow I'm following as a model:

[{"id":"68165b4c.c9e594","type":"function","z":"78f389d4.a3e498","name":"findOne","func":" var newMsg = {};\nnewMsg.operation  = 'findOne';\nnewMsg.payload    = { 'name' : 'Pete1' , 'names' : 'Pete2' };\nnewMsg.projection = { 'name' : 1 , '_id' : 0 };\nreturn newMsg;","outputs":1,"x":332,"y":220,"wires":[["a5eff45.9a49908"]]}]

This is what I'm trying to use to retrieve the information:

[{"id":"528be7f.6a30d18","type":"function","z":"ca7a266a.c18118","name":"findOne","func":" var newMsg = {};\nnewMsg.operation  = 'findOne';\nnewMsg.payload    = { 'timestamp' : '/28\\/08\\/2021/' };\n//newMsg.projection = { 'timestamp' : 1 };\nreturn newMsg;","outputs":1,"noerr":0,"x":760,"y":240,"wires":[["3f71662.230999a"]]}]

Could someone help me how do I fix this request to mongo?

I thank you and I'm waiting!

Hello Alisson ..

The mongodb2 node hasnt been updated for more that 4 years.
and other people have reported some problems with it also.

Can you try unistalling it and installing the more recent node-red-node-mongodb

ps. you can only have one version installed .. so make sure to uninstall the older one first

With newMsg.payload = { 'timestamp' : '/28\/08\/2021/' };
are you trying to use a regular expression pattern ?

try without the quotes

newMsg.payload = { 'timestamp' : /28\/08\/2021/ };


newMsg.payload = { 'timestamp': { $regex: '28\/08\/2021' } }

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Hello UnborN! Goodnight!

I removed the single quotes and it worked!!

Thanks for your help as it solved my problem!!

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