Solar management with raspberry and i2c driver

Hi there. After few weeks i finally finished my project. I have solar pannels and inverter. The goal was to use surplus power to grid to be routed to my triphase water heater. Precisely i measure in real time the surplus power even if the surplus is under the power needed to fully power on the water heater because i didn't want to use energy from the grid. Anyway i use the raspberry and a digital to analog i2c driver with 3 channels and 3 20A driver to progressive power the water heater. I use a 3 phase sdm630 power meter and 2 converter tcpip modbus to send query to the inverter and to the sdm630 to measure the surplus power. The node red dashboard shows in real time the surplus power and the state of the i2c chip and the amount of surplus power sent to the water heater. I also schedul the time to turn on the water heater in the middle of the day to compensate the energy to fully heat the water if the surplus power was not enough compare to the solar production. If someone interested i can upload the json and the schematic diagram.


Not right now but it would be super cool if I (or someone) one day need something similar and can come here and find your schematic (and flows?)


this device is welcome to some customer.they need E-power and hot water.

That would be lovly. Im on a similar project and running into some issues. Maybe ur project can guide me in the right path.

Hello. First of all could you describe your project ? And where are you in this project ?
In that Post i already talked about what i have and what i need/want.

Currently i have and Rasp 4 with IoBroker,Node-Red, open KNX and an Modbus instance on it. Right now im trying to programm Node-red/open knx in a way that a set of lights goes active or shuts down if i produce (not)/enough power from the PV system. But im struggling with that since node-red is really indepth and i dont know java script, which u obviously need.

Hi. It sounds like this topic is now closed so you don't need help anymore
Sorry for the delay anyway