Working with a photovoltaics and Iobroker

Hey, im totally new to Node Red and IoBroker and just wanted to know, i have a photovoltaics system on top of my house with 2 Wallboxes using it and the house. Is it possible via node red/Iobroker to tell the system, when a certain amout of Electricity is being produced with the PV system that i dont take any Electricity from the Grid, or to go even further, that the PV system just produced enough for 1 Wallbox to shut the other one down?
Thanks in advance.

Yes, node-red can be used as energy management system. Maybe the best tool for that purpose i think. There are integrations here for most types of protocls for interfacing with your inverter and wallboxes and whatever you need to integrate.

Cool. Ty for that. Can u guide me in a direction of what protocols or Palettes i need to achive that?

For the automation/controls part you can get far with basic nodes which comes with node-red installation. Like switch node, change node and trigger node.

For interfacing with your inverter and wallbox i dont know. Depends what inverter and wallbox you have.

Ok. I will look into that then.
My Inverter is a SOFAR 30 KTLX-G3, and i have 2 Diffrent Wallboxes. 1 is a go-e Charger Gemini and the other one is a Vestel EVC04-AC11-T2P.
I hope that helps.

OK so the Sofar if modbus capable as is the go-e charger - as well as supporting evcc (which may be a better way to go)

So your steps to break down the actions needed are

  1. Be able to measure how much solar you are producing
  2. Be able to measure your household consumption
  3. Be able to measure how much power you are sending to your EV chargers

The more frequently you can measure and quantify the solar output and the house consumption will allow you to be closer to your algorithm being accurate and not drawing excess power from the grid.

Node Red lends itself very well to this sort of thing as you can develop all of your steps in Modules or flows and then using another flow to bring it all together and make decisions

So flow 1)

Measure instantaneous Solar output and average over (say) 5 secs - get that number and store that in a global variable such as Solar.Output (you can do this with a change node) and using someting such as Solar.Output means you are creating an object in the global store so you add additional properties to the Solar object later if you wish

Flow 2)

Same as above but for household consumption

Flow 3)

Store the current state of the EV chargers and how much power is being sent to each one


Ty. I got it working now. Was a bit of a struggle to fiddle around with the JavaScript code but it works now.