That's cool. I am mostly using Grafana for visualisation, but good to know that NR can do stuff like that as well.
I am still struggling.
I did set up those mock nodes and they do seem to work, but not sure what I did but now when I actually do the API call I do get two arrays that were actually renamed to forecasts_east and _west, but whenever I then use the mock nodes to send the same messages again, all I get is two empty arrays? So it's working when not using the mock nodes. Unfortunately, I only have two API calls left 
Here is my current flow, still a long long way to go. Not sure if that's the correct way to rename the arrays. I also wasn't able to actually copy one of the arrays to a new third array, but I guess I will manage to get that to work once I am able to reliably resend messages with the mock nodes. Do you know what I could be doing wrong here?
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Edit: Just connected the mock nodes to the debug node, and it looks like the payload is empty. Not sure why?