Raspian with the latest updates and kernel. Pi3B+
I have been running a pi out in the greenhouse since last spring and I just noticed the temp/humidity DHT11 sensor stopped working.
I am using node-red with the node-red-contrib-dht-sensor lib. I just figured the sensor went bad so I ordered another and... woops the sensor is fine...
I have a spare Pi so I decided to try to get a spare DHT11 running on a fresh install.
Still no joy. Something must have borked in an update, maybe? Does anybody else have any DHT11's running?
Here is a simple debug flow for one.
[{"id":"99fdf180.ce","type":"tab","label":"Flow 1","disabled":false,"info":""},{"id":"4b7411e7.09ff6","type":"inject","z":"99fdf180.ce","name":"","topic":"","payload":"","payloadType":"date","repeat":"2","crontab":"","once":false,"onceDelay":0.1,"x":150,"y":100,"wires":[["3228568d.3137ca"]]},{"id":"3228568d.3137ca","type":"rpi-dht22","z":"99fdf180.ce","name":"DHT11","topic":"rpi-dht11","dht":"11","pintype":"0","pin":4,"x":367,"y":113,"wires":[["808f8448.936a08"]]},{"id":"808f8448.936a08","type":"debug","z":"99fdf180.ce","name":"","active":true,"tosidebar":true,"console":false,"tostatus":false,"complete":"true","x":568,"y":108,"wires":[]}]
topic: "rpi-dht11"
payload: "0.00"
_msgid: "997fc7b.a04e738"
humidity: "0.00"
isValid: false
errors: 4
location: "DHT11"
sensorid: "dht11"
Any advice on how to troubleshoot this would be greatly appreciated!