I have ESP32 based temp measuring device in my greenhouse. Data is sent via mqtt protocol. Node-Red is capturing mqtt message and saves data to influxDB. I measure temp in several locations, but here important are temp at the top of greenhouse and soil temp. I would like to have solution where I can turn device when certain temp conditions are met. I have ventilator that moves air from the top of greenhouse under surface and therefore warm up soil during cold spring days.
I have flashed ESPhome to sonoff device and not sure what can I do next. I have tested sonoff device with Home Assistant, I can turn it on and off.
What kind of solution can I make ?
- Best would be that NodeRed checks temp vs condition that I set up and send message to turn on or off to sonoff device?
- Can Home Assistant be used for that purpose?
- I could change micropython code in ESP32 to check conditions, but then again, I need to send some message to sonoff device.