Sonos Error: nrcsp: device not reachable/rejected >>

My Sonos controls stopped working, and all the Sonos nodes have the above error under them. I updated to the newest pallette version node-red-contrib-sonos-plus 6.9.2 but that did not clear the error. Any idea please ?

I just found the issue (sort of). I had to change the config speaker to another one, and it works now. Not sure why it worked with the speaker I had for ages, now it stopped, but changing it to anotehr and it starts working again...

Just read this, I did have some network issues, but I resolved them. So still not sure why it doesnt like that speaker any more, but others used as config and its working again.

Have you tried going back to that one again to confirm it still does not work?

I have just tried going back to that speaker, still the same error. I have 5 speakers, only one of them will produce this error, all the others work. But the speaker in question functions normally, but in NR is gives this error