Speakerpi installation error

What could be the cause of the error?
Hardware: Raspberry Pi 4B, 8G RAM

What os and version are you running?
What version of node.js

If you go to the node’s GitHub issues page you will see two open issues dealing with installing the node and no replies from the author. Also the node hasn’t been updated in over two years so it may have been abandoned by the author.

Rapsberry Pi OS (64bit)
A port of Debian Bullseye with the Rapsberry Pi Desktop (Compatible with Rapsberry Pi 3/4/400)
Relased: 2022-04-04

I don't know where to check the version of node.js, but I installed node-red 8-10 days ago, I think the latest version available today was installed.

node.js: v14.20.0

Képernyőkép 2022-07-15 005606

Since this node doesn’t look like it will work for you, what are you trying to do?

I want to display the messages of a PLC acoustically. Since the Human Interface of the PLC also runs on the Pi, the Pi Audio output could also display these audio messages. Speakerpi would have been suitable for this. If that doesn't work, I'll have to find another solution.

maybe you could use node-red-contrib-play-sound

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