Splunk-http-event-collector has no custom label

This node is a http-event collector node.
node-red-contrib-http-event-collector (node) - Node-RED

Unlike most other nodes, we can't create a custom label, which is annoying when you have multiple saved configurations, all having the same title.

It is not always expedient to send data to the same endpoint, hence the custom configurations.

How do we submit a case to have the node updated to include a custom title for individual configurations?

You should open an issue here Issues · gdziuba/http-event-collector · GitHub and ask for a feature request.

Having a quick look at the package, the author seems to have forgotten to add the following html to the package:

    <div class="form-row">
        <label for="node-input-name" style="width:150px;">Name</label>
        <input type="text" id="node-input-name">

That should be added in the http-event-collector.html, everything else seems to be defined: name property and the label function for using the name property are all there.

I did try out that change and it did seem to work.

EDIT: you mean the config node, sorry the solution above is for the palette node. The config node is missing the name property and does not support this.name in the label function. Plus the html field is also missing for the name property. So there the author seems to have forgotten name completely for the config node.