SQL array to dropdown just lists the labels

I can't figure out how to get the dropdown to list the values as the options. It only lists the labels so "PumpType" is listed 5 times in the dropdown. I need the dropdown to list the "Value1, Value2,...Value5" instead.

I have this working where I pull the same information from an Excel spreadsheet (migrating from spreadsheet to SQL) and the array comes in correctly.

In your change node
set msg. options
to J: $$.payload.PumpType;

This will create an array of values.

You can just alter your SQL to return the correct shape data as per the built in help:

for example SELECT fieldname as label, otherFieldName as value FROM table or even just SELECT PumpType as label, PumpType as value FROM table

Here is a SQL fiddle for you to check out: FREE AI-Enhanced Online SQLite Compiler - For learning & practice

Tried the suggestions but still can't get it to work. Tried some JSONata which this syntax works on the their browser exercise but not sure why it doesn't work inside NR?

I found a solution by passing it through a function node

// Assuming msg.payload is your array of objects
// And you want to extract values from a property named 'exampleProperty'

let valuesArray = msg.payload.map(function (obj) {
    return obj.PumpType;

// Set the extracted values array to the payload or to a new property to pass it to the next node
msg.payload = valuesArray;

// Return the message object to continue the flow
return msg;

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