Startup .json script on node-red server start and to view in editor also


I'm a newby and learning so forgive my lack of knowledge. I have a nodejs and node-red combined server. All working nicely. Followed the parameters but can't seem to launch a default startup script or to view it in the visual editor when switched. I've shared my param file that is injected into nodejs (most of it is working except the startup script on server or into the visual editor). Any thoughts on how to do this, what i'm doing wrong, or plug-in, script techniques to do this. Humbly grateful for any good advice.

Many thanks in advance


Config snippet in nodejs (injected into node red init process

var settings = {
httpNodeRoot: "/api",
functionGlobalContext: { }, // enables global context
editorTheme: {
header: {
title: "my visual orchestrator",
image: "/data/app/files/images/mygif.gif", // or null to remove image
url: "" // optional url to make the header text/image a link to this url
projects: {
enabled: true
page: {
title: "my visualizer",
scripts: ["/data/app/home/nol/.nodered/core.js"]

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