Store flows in ibm cloudant

Hello, I am looking for advice on how to save files with flow created locally in cloudant, I tried to connect the cludant to my project, I was able to do it, unfortunately when deploying files are not transferred to the database in cloudant.

What exactly have you done to try to do this? What code have you used? How have you configured it?

I have already configured my Node-red app to deploy and pull config files [first time configuration] to and from Cloudant, I'd like to deploy and pull my flows too, to and from Cloudant

Any help ?

Hi @emicjed

you haven't answered my previous questions. What code have you used? How have you configured it?
Are you using the cloudant storage plugin we provide as part of the IBM Cloud Node-RED starter kit?

If so, what exactly have you done with it so far?

If not, then what have you done?

Unexpectedly, I was not able to use the starter kit because IBM does not support building node-red in Kubernates cluster, therefore I created node.js in the cluster and then modified it to run node-red. Due to the fact that I am a beginner I feel in the dark and unfortunately I can not share what I have already done .. So if you are able, please direct me where I should look for a solution or which way to go .. At the moment, each reconstruction of the project creates a new one Node-red image therefore trace my flows. So I wanted to store them in cludant and then pass them to node-red after building. I can't explain it otherwise

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