Strange button behavior (Dashboard 2.0)

Using button node with dynamic properties:

I get:

Whatever I tried to change on the input, nothing changes what is shown on the button. Behavior exists for 3 buttons in total.

For testing, I connected a new button to the message and output is as expected:

So basically it is working, but for some reason the original buttons that I was using and playing around so far do not work anymore.
Something happened to the buttons that they do not work anymore. Seems that this is some old content still shown.
I did not yet restart node red to see if that would solve it.

It just hit me:
The issue is, that I was previously sending a label with dynamic properties to those 3 button nodes. In the new message I do not have a label anymore, that is why they are still showing the old content.

So seems this behavior is intended, but can actually lead to this strange behavior not showing what you probably might expect.

If the property is NOT present in ui_update it should not change the previously sent values.

That is what I observed after some time. Since I previously sent some garbage via the label property I could not see any change with the icon property that I was expecting not realizing that there is some label content still present.

Not sure if this is relevant here but it's a good idea to reload the dashboard page after any change in the editor.

I think the ui-update storage is server side, so that would not have helped.

I had a similar issue .. but a a full deployment solved the issue

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