Switch node icons color problem

Finally I'm back...
After three night of work, changes and various attempts (and with your help), I managed to get it to work!!!
Now I can turn on or off the lights from NodeRed, from Shelly Apps or from original wall switch and in every case icon on NodeRed dashboard change (Yellow for ON status, Grey for OFF status)

Thanks to all...

I attach my code:

        "id": "69103026.a212b",
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        "wires": []
        "id": "34fc0755.d3c048",
        "type": "http request",
        "z": "4f28d205.05afcc",
        "name": "Switch Shelly",
        "method": "GET",
        "ret": "txt",
        "paytoqs": false,
        "url": "http://admin:XXXX@",
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        "x": 380,
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        "type": "change",
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                "pt": "msg",
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                "fromt": "bool",
                "to": "Luci Esterne Accese",
                "tot": "str"
                "t": "change",
                "p": "payload",
                "pt": "msg",
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                "fromt": "bool",
                "to": "Luci Esterne Spente",
                "tot": "str"
        "action": "",
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        "to": "",
        "reg": false,
        "x": 400,
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        "type": "ui_switch",
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        "officon": "officon",
        "offcolor": "offcolor",
        "x": 130,
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        "wires": [
        "id": "9ebebda1.5024a",
        "type": "function",
        "z": "4f28d205.05afcc",
        "name": "Luci ON",
        "func": "msg.ui_control = {  onicon:\"fa-4x fa-lightbulb-o\",oncolor:\"yellow\"}\nmsg.payload=\"true\"\nreturn msg;",
        "outputs": 1,
        "noerr": 0,
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        "url": "http://admin:XXXX@",
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        "x": 410,
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        "wires": [
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        "type": "switch",
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        "name": "Controllo se ON o OFF",
        "property": "payload.ison",
        "propertyType": "msg",
        "rules": [
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                "t": "false"
        "checkall": "true",
        "repair": false,
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        "type": "function",
        "z": "4f28d205.05afcc",
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        "func": "msg.ui_control = {  officon:\"fa-3x fa-lightbulb-o\",offcolor:\"grey\"}\nmsg.payload=\"false\"\nreturn msg;",
        "outputs": 1,
        "noerr": 0,
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        "name": "Luci",
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