Switch Nodes - Regex

@shrickus OK what you had sort of works for me - but what i wanted to do was reference the property as a Global Context object - the reason being that i could then reference multiple values in the tests such as Sun (to match all the sun conditions), Cloud to match all the cloud conditions etc

Using your suggestion it appears i can only do a True/False test ? And so would have to cascade multiple switch nodes for that to work ?

Now i have done a search and @knolleary had responded that this was not the behaviour he was expecting - in this thread - Problem with global json object variable and JSONata switch decision - #4 by knolleary

i am wondering if that has been resolved now - does the switch node still ignore what is in the Property field if i reference a Global/Flow context variable and i have to build up the whole jsonata in the test rules - or is this now resolved ?
