TADO Climate Control via DEW POINT COMFORT - Triggers - Door, Presence, TTS
This flow uses Dew Point Temperature to control TADO Smart AC Control V3+ through Home Assistant, this also does not require a paid subcription to TADO.
- node-red-contrib-time-of-day
- Node-RED Companion Integration
- A way to calculate Dew Point for each room that has a Temperature and Humidity Sensor. Dew Point
SET TADO HOME AND AWAY SWITCH (Controlled in Flow and HA Dashboard Switch)
- Home and Away Switch Triggers
- Trigger when persons in zone.home are more than 1
- Poll zone.home more that one every 5 minutes, catches if a door or manual input has turned off the home switch
- Home and Away Switch
- Switch exposed to Home Assistant to allow manual control and display notifcations
- Switch sets TADO Preset Modes, Home and Away (In the Tado App you can set different smart schedules for Home and Away Modes)
- This Switch is what is activated in the flow.
- Sends msg.topic: check so TTS does not activate everytime there is a change
- Check every 5 Minutes Topic: check
- Turns ON Home and Away Switch, only if TADO Mode is Home and Contact Sensors are OFF (Doors Closed)
- If TADO Mode Home and Contact Sensors are ON (Doors Open) turns OFF A/C
- Sends msg.topic: check so TTS does not activate everytime there is a change
- Contact Sensors CLOSED 15sec - Topic:door
- When all Contact Sensors are OFF (Doors Closed) Activates A/C
- Sends msg.topic: door so TTS does activate between set times
- Contact Sensors OPEN 2 Mins - Topic:door
- When all Contact Sensors are ON (Doors Open) Turns OFF A/C
- Sends msg.topic: door so TTS does activate between set times
- Dewpoint (<10 - Dry)(10.1-15.4 - Comfortable)(>15.5 Humid)
- Activates modes based on Dew Point Comfort, which is a combination of temperature and humidity.
- The below chart is what the comfort values are based off and can vary slightly depending on your climate.
- Low Outside Dewpoint check to Heat Boost
- Compares current outside dewpoint and inside temperature, then outputs to Heat Boost or Tado Schedule Auto Modes.
- Active Time
- Set the time you want the heating or cooling to be active, if false goes to OFF or auto mode (auto=TADO Smart Schedule)
- Don't set if already Set
- As the dewpoint is checked every 5mins, this ensures your A/C handles the set temperature. Avoids multiple ON and Mode commands keeping your A/C running.
- HEAT BOOST MODE (TTS Topic: door)
- Sets HVAC mode to heat
- Sets Temperature to 26°C
- NOTE: Not recommended to send swing or fan mode changes, A/C will default to auto and set swing without them)
- If between set times and msg.topic: door TTS will activate
- Sets HVAC to home
- Sets Temperature auto
- NOTE: This uses the temperature settings from your TADO Smart Schedule in my case 23°C or 21°C depending on the time
- If between set times and msg.topic: door TTS will activate
- OFF MODE (TTS Topic: door)
- Sets HVAC to off
- If between set times and msg.topic: door TTS will activate
- COOL MODE (TTS Topic: door)
- Sets HVAC to cool
- Sets Temperature 25°C
- NOTE: The difference in height/temperature from my TADO V3+ thermostat is about 3°C, keep this in mind when setting cool temperature
- If between set times and msg.topic: door TTS will activate
- Turns ON and OFF Dehumidifier with smart plug.
- NOTE: Drying the air reduces dewpoint temperature
- Activates a status bar lights depending on the mode that is active