Tado-client input node

Hi, I have a question. How can I know how to pass the correct payload for setting correctly the request?

The node is this:


Have you read the README?

If you don’t think that is clear it is probably not just you that didn’t understand it. So it would be worth following a link from the nodes page on flows.nodered.org to the sites github page and open an issue there. This way the author is guaranteed to see it and hopefully the ReadMe can be improved to make it easier to understand.

Thank you.

I solved the problem:
you do not need to use msg.payload, but only msg

msg.apiCall: "setZoneOverlay"
msg.homeId: "308708"
msg.zoneId: "1"
msg.power: "on"
msg.temperature: "22"

Hi Folgore, do you by chance have an example of this? I'm struggling to get it to work for me.

Hi Brew, this is my configuration...but I have the old version of tado node. In my configuration home I have not set a command for now. But I have tried with a previous message.


You must set a user account of tado...and the Home ID.

Excellent thank you I'll give that a go

Where do you find your home ID?

You must set in API Call, "Get the current user", if you put a debug node on the output, you receive the json object with a home Id, the user...etc

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Folgore you absolute legend, I have been banging my head against this for some time and now I'm away thank you so very much!

Hello Guys, i am struggling hard getting an input to Tado AC controller.

Everything is fine, i can query zone overlay and other.. but i can't get input working! Only input works is turn off the power but then i get http error when trying inputing back on.

Any can support me? How the message should be sent to the Tado node?