Telegram-Date Picker

I am revisiting this requirement.
I want the user interacting through telegram to give me a valid-date (to generate a daily report for the given date). So i am trying to invoke a datepicker in telegram keyboard. anyone have any hint?
I checked here, but was unable to get it converted to my requirement.

Plenty of clues in here I imagine:,Overview,date%20manipulations%20throughout%20the%20flow.

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Thanks for the direction. not sure why this didn't come in my search.
I tried all the steps given in the post, but unable to get it going.
i am getting a message :

27/12/2024, 14:13:53node: Initial Show Calendar
function : (error)
"TypeError: moment is not a function"

I have updated the correct settings.file (the same file which shows up in the startup log)

I think i have installed moment in the correct user folder, from where i am runnnig this instance of node-red. (how do i check if this is successful ?)

Did you install moment and add the requires to your settings.js
As shown in the flows setup instructions. steps 1-3 here

Or delete all references to

const moment = global.get('moment');

From any of the functions and add moment to the setup tab.

Making sure functionExternalModules is set to true in the settings.js Writing Functions : Node-RED

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adding moment in the setup tab worked...

Happy Cake Day @E1cid

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