Getting started with testing my created Node (coming from Python). I have followed the testing tutorial (Creating your first node : Node-RED) and got it working.
However, I now have a test that fails. But the only message I get is a timeout error:
Error: Timeout of 2000ms exceeded. For async tests and hooks, ensure "done()" is called; if returning a Promise, ensure it resolves. (C:\Users\sander\repos\squid_nodes\test\data_spec.js)
I assume my node is causing a kind of exception, which is not caught and as a result exits the test before done() can be called.
But where can I find the exception info ? That would be the part I need to solve my issue I guess.
Does the test exercise one small part of your node? If you aren't getting any useful output there are a couple of things you can do.
stick console.log messages librerally through the section of code you are testing and see which message is the last one you get.
Run Node-RED under a debugger such as the one built into VScode. Then you can put a break statement into the start of the code under test and walk through the code in the debugger.
Oh man, You just saved my day on point 2 ! (I found out point1 myself in the end).
In package.json, just above the test script there appears a "debug" button in vscode. Just hit it and you're off !