Time Home Assistant KNX

I am using Node-RED in Home assistant and I want to write the time in an ETS group (GA) address.
The time value is retrieved via the HA interface in an "input_datetime.heure" entity

The following flow works but the writing of the time in the group address is done when the local time is equal to the time entered in Lovelace in an input_datetime.hour (in pink)

I'm looking for a node that will write the value to the group address as soon as it changes in lovelace.
[https: // www.casimages.com/i/210406015846774013.jpg.html]

I have a solution to write the time with an "event state" node but it does not work to retrieve the date ?

Not many here use HA so you might be better asking this on a HA forum.

It's already done, but not all HA users use Node-Red!
The question could be: which node makes it possible to retrieve a date whether it comes from HA or other?

Retrieve it from where? You can get the current date/time in a Function node using let now = new Date(), if that is what you want.

No, I want to retrieve the date stored in an input_datetime.date variable (variable home assistant)

Feed it into a debug node and show us what it looks like.

Thanks for the proposal. By setting up the debug node, I see that Home assistant does not update the variable. I have to solve this problem ...

{Edit] Finally fixed after a Core update

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