Transfer Many MQTT Data into ui table


I have an issue on combining all MQTT data into a ui table at the same row.
Currently, I have 4 MQTT topics (room/1, room/2, room/3, room/4) to collect the power usage of each room. I wish to upload all data into ui table for data logger.
I found out some forum suggested to use MQTT wildcard type (ex: room/#) to publish the data into ui table, but I have no clue on creating the nodes. Can anybody willing to provide me the sample code?


If you want to get the data for all rooms into a message so you can feed it to the table then you can use a Join node in key/value pairs mode. See this article in the cookbook for an example of how to join messages into one object.

According to the link you provided, I am unable to do it because my inputs are dynamic, not static. If possible, can you provide me some sample code so that I can refer to that?

If you show us the flow you are using, we are more likely to be able to help. We also need the actual format of the Data Input so that we can test the flow.

In order to make code readable and usable it is necessary to surround your code with three backticks (also known as a left quote or backquote ```)

   code goes here 

See this post for more details - How to share code or flow json

Show us some sample data and tell us what is dynamic about it.

Here is an example for you, you will need to use your topics and make some adjustment.

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I tried to use timestamp to generate new data every 8 seconds and the data I want to show inside the ui table is timestamp, so as to show my input data is dynamic data.
Then, I want to input the data to ui table by using MQTT wildcard type.
The output I want is the data is like a data logger, whenever the system is running, the value from each MQTT topic will be write into the ui table, as shown in the link: How to make a dynamic Table for MQTT in data - #3 by DemalCal96

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I succeeded in making two data sets visible in a table (as code uploaded), but how can I make the input data sets visible in the next row so that all input data are shown in a single table?

I managed to show all data in a row, but how to make the data always add to the new row? It is because I want to display the old and new data on the same ui table

Exactly as my example above does.

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        "name": "Convert to global",
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        "name": "function 19",
        "func": "var obtaindata0 = global.get(\"timestampG\");\nvar obtaindata1 = global.get(\"tabletempG\");\nvar obtaindata2 = global.get(\"tablehumiG\");\nvar obtaindata3 = global.get(\"tablewaterG\");\nvar obtaindata4 = global.get(\"tablerainfallG\");\nvar obtaindata5 = global.get(\"tableLEDG\");\n\n\nmsg.payload = [ \n    {\n    \"timestamp\": obtaindata0,\n    \"temperature\": obtaindata1,\n    \"humidity\": obtaindata2,\n    \"waterlevel\": obtaindata3,\n    \"rainfall\": obtaindata4,\n    \"LED\": obtaindata5,\n    }\n];\n\nreturn msg;",
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This is the flow I did. I tried to combine the example you gave to me, but it is unsuccessful. Can you guide me on it?

Your flow has 35 ui-nodes that if i load i would have to delete manually.

Here is another way to add the data to the table by storing the data table in flow context, so you can append new data to it. I have limited it to 200 entries, editable in the change node JSONata expression. In this example I append data to top of table.

[{"id":"2bb5565794518d2a","type":"change","z":"eb90474bf03634f2","name":"","rules":[{"t":"set","p":"topic","pt":"msg","to":"$split($$.topic, \"/\")[-1]","tot":"jsonata"}],"action":"","property":"","from":"","to":"","reg":false,"x":250.00000762939453,"y":836.2500371932983,"wires":[["6dea5e38bd5f9cdf"]]},{"id":"280340dca8fd3f70","type":"mqtt 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I really don't understand why you are storing data to globals when available in flow message.

Thanks for your help.
Actually, my first attempt is using the wildcard type, but no data are shown in the table. Then, I tried to separate all the data and join them together, and it works.
I stored the data in global as for future expansion, so that I would not need to duplicate the same node on the same tab.

Thanks for your code, it works. However, I have an issue on displaying the data. Since the 5 input data will be sent at the same time, why the table not showing all data? Some data are shown but some are not. May I know what is the possible issue that causes this situation happens?

From the picture, I realised some consequent rows have a short time interval. The data I sent through mqtt is 8 seconds tie interval.

Let me get my crystal ball. Or you could supply the data i need to answer that question

At a guess my uitable is configured different to yours, check the property names. Or the data was not received when the join finished.

As to globals the whole table is stored so no need for global of individual values, and context can also lead to race conditions, if not craeful

May I know is there any way to solve this issue?

I think you can try to connect to my broker to get the supply data

Its not the lack of data, you show me an image, tell me there is an issue, but i have no way of knowing how you have configured things. I have given two very good examples but you seem to have ignored their layout, as my testing with my examples leaves no gaps.