"Then Send" parameter is available for "wait for" option, after the timeout. However, it's not offered for "resend it every" option. It'd be nice if it could be added as well.
I have an event driven reminder, say when I turn on the terrace light, the trigger will be fired (initially fire nothing so it doesn't trigger anything), and it "resends" every 30 minutes to send a notification to remind me that the light is still on......until I reset the trigger (msg.reset = true, or such like)
Can't this just be done by using two trigger nodes ? One to send nothing then trigger the next set to repeat mode ?
Likewise @drmibell a 2nd trigger node can be used to reset a repeating one after a longer time interval.
Almost what I had in mind, but not exactly. Getting a given number of repeats with a given spacing would require setting each interval properly. Then changing either the number or spacing (keeping the other fixed) would mean changing both intervals. It works, but the independent parameters aren't quite right. I've used contributed nodes like looptimer and msg-resend for this, but it would be nice to have this in a core node.
Came across my mind after I posted the feature request - yes but it seems to me more of a "workaround" for now. As @drmibell pointed out, there'll be 2 intervals (2 nodes) to maintain, and both nodes will also have to take in the msg.reset, making the nodes to look a bit tangled up.
Especially when I have multiple nodes piping into this trigger node (separated by msg.topic), the end result may look a little scary
Any luck with the implementation of this feature? Or at least placed in the backlog? I still think it's viable. Otherwise, please enlighten me if there's a better way to achieve what I want to achieve
The "workaround" is the Node-RED way to do it... build up extended capability by joining nodes together. You can always collapse them into a subflow if you need to.