I have a device running Node-Red with a RS232 port. I would like to connect it to a GPRS modem via RS232 to send telemetry data packets.
In order to do so, I need to send several AT-commands to the modem:
- One to transfer message payload to the modem buffer
- Afterwards I need to wait to "OK" response from the modem (it means the modem is ready for the communication)
- then I need to send the command to initiate the GPRS data transfer and if it is successful the modem returns OK.
- finally if OK, set the modem to idle mode until the next message payload is received.
Can you please advice how can I establish connection to RS-232 multi serial node in such talk-back communication manner with the modem?
I can set a flow with sending data to the multi serial node, but dont know how to tight the multiserial node response together...
Can you please advice any examples I can learn to configure Node-Red program?