Communication Node Red rs485 without Modbus?

Hi everyone, I`m trying to read the Values from a Greisinger Gia1002 ns with a rs485 device.

I try it with Node Red Modbus Reader but in the Debug ther is ony an Timeout. I think my device don´t support Modbus.

Can i use the Basic Serial Communication ?
I hope you can help me send hexadecimal commands to my device.
I enclose the ballast manual:Gir 1002 ns

Yes, you should be able to do that, using the serial-request node from node-red-node-serialport (node) - Node-RED.

I had a quick look at the manual and it says that the requests are all ascii strings so you may be able just to send it the strings.

i try:

msg.payload = Buffer.from("\21H\30H\30H\30H\30H\2FH");

return msg;

but no answer from Device. What´s wrong ?

Did you set the TX pin of your RS485 driver before sending? Or is that not necessary with the convertor you have?

What should the command termination character be ?
It is unusual for it to be 2f (hex) = /
I would expect something like 0A hex or 0D hex as they are usually used for Enter when you type in a command.

in the Greisinger Dokomentation i can read:
/: ASCII-Code: 2FH
Indicates the end of a data transfer process. Each data transfer process, either from host to
GIR1002 NS or from GIR1002 NS to host is completed by putting “ /”
I dont now but the tx pin on my usb stick

You should not need to use a buffer, you should just be able to send the ascii string direct, I think.

Have you got an example, please