TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined

1 Apr 14:42:55 - [error] [http request:917d3d4e.b2d] no response from server
1 Apr 14:42:55 - [error] [function:4b8a42b9.33508c] TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
1 Apr 14:42:55 - [error] [function:3420d7a3.b927b8] TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined

how i can get the issue comming from which node

Thats nice :slight_smile:

Are you asking a question?

Maybe the search function ? - use cmd or ctrl-f to open the search then enter one of those id numbers (eg b8a42b9.33508c ) and see if you can find the relevant function node.

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part of 3420d7a3.b927b8 is node id

u can use "Search flows" find that function node.

node-red search flows

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