"TypeError: translate is not a function"

I am using the google translate node in my flow and in the Debug window I am continuously receiving the message "TypeError: translate is not a function" , I can't see any settings in the node so what could be wrong ?


You may need to elaborate on that a bit more.

The full name of the node?

What are you sending into the node?
(Put a debug node to capture what is being sent into the google node and paste it here.)

Open the google node and take a screen shot to show what settings are set to what.

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Hi Trying,

I have stopped it now as disabling the node and wiring directly works on my open weather setup, it was a set of flows that somebody gave me and I don't know what the translate node was for, it has probably been superseded now.


To use those Google API's, you have to configure your access to allow the use of them individually. So if you hadn't turned on that API, it wouldn't work under your Google access key.

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Hi Totally,

Yes just gone through the App password debacle for emails, I thought I was going to have to put a different app password in for each email node at one point, but if you save the text app password straight away to a text file you can keep copying it and pasting in, touch wood it is working anyway, also the weather app seems to work fine without the Translate node.


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