I wonder how the 'tooltip' of a ui_slider can be dynamically adjusted to the current value of the slider?
Any idea here?
Need to have the actual position/value shown with 'tooltip', not with an extra text field item.
Thanks for help on this
I can't help much (I don't use DB)
But this bump and the correct assignment to the category of Dashboard
may bring in the correct response.
( I have moved it to Dashboard
Hi, are you asking for DB1 or DB2?
In case of DB2 you can quicly check the dyamic value from the doc: Slider ui-slider | Node-RED Dashboard 2.0
Hope this helps,
It's on DB1..
I need some time to migrate to DB2 ... but should complete some parts of the project first.
Thanks for your help!
Not exactly what you are asking for but if you set the slider to output only on release, it shows the current value in a bubble above the slider handle.
Yes, that's known. But afais when you send a msg.payload to get a new position, I think it doesn't show the 'new' current value. For that, it would be good to have the 'tooltip' with the cursor.
Do you mean sending msg.payload to the input of the slider?
On my dashboard the slider position and displayed value change to match when I inject a number.
Basically I would like to have the actual position of the slider shown. I thought using the tooltip is good enough.
But the behavior seems to be a bit strange:
-- if you send msg.payload == the new value can be shown as a 'sort of tooltip'
under the slider line, you position the pointer to the slider bubble and get the value below the line.
For that you enter {{msg.payload}} in the tooltip dialog
-- with changing the slider position you get the (normal) tooltip above the slider line but the other tooltip stays with the previous msg.payload
A little hard to explain to a normal user!?
It will not change the tooltip as the payload from the slider move is not feed back into the slider.
You can feed the payload output back into the slider, but disable passthrough message and bypass the slider for input.
Add a filter node to stop a passthrough feed back infinity loop.
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Thanks for that important details. And yes feed back sounds a good point. I will try it in the next day.