UI upload button -> read filename?

Hi folks,

I have pasted @Ha-Steve s UI upload button into my flow.

How can I also retrieve the name of the selected file?

This is the UI template code:

<button class="md-raised md-button md-ink-ripple" onclick="importData()">Upload</button>    

let restoreScope = scope;

function importData() {
  let input = document.createElement('input');
  input.type = 'file';
  input.id = 'restoreBtn';
  input.onchange = _ => {
    // you can use this method to get file and perform respective operations
        let fReader = new FileReader();
        fReader.onloadend = function(event){

Hi @protonmw

input.files[0] yields the first File.
And each File has various properties, one of which is name

so input.files[0].name will give you the name


File - Web APIs | MDN (mozilla.org)

Great! But, where to put in to be part of the out msg object?

I don't use dashboard, but something like the below.
(just add a name property to your message, setting it to the name of the file )

 restoreScope.send({'payload':event.target.result, 'name':input.files[0].name})

You can then retrieve it in your flow with msg.name

Changes in this line have no effect at all?! It simply outputs the content as msg.payload.

The name is located at msg.name, In your flow not msg.payload.name

Use a debug node, set it to entire message, and you will see it

I know! :man_shrugging:

{"payload":"@000 0000\r\n@001 0000\r\n@002 0000\r\n@003 0000\r\n@004 0000\r\n@005 0000\r\n@006 0000\r\n@007 0000\r\n@008 0000\r\n@009 0000\r\n@00a 0000\r\n@00b 0000\r\n...","socketid":"s-UorcDlEeZ855KBAAAP","_msgid":"733953e100c4e84b"}
<button class="md-raised md-button md-ink-ripple" onclick="importData()">Upload</button>    

let restoreScope = scope;

function importData() {
  let input = document.createElement('input');
  input.type = 'file';
  input.id = 'restoreBtn';
  input.onchange = _ => {
    // you can use this method to get file and perform respective operations
        let fReader = new FileReader();
        fReader.onloadend = function(event){

The debug node is maybe capped (to stop your browser from being overloaded) - you can change that in settings.js

In the debug node - only debug msg.name see if you get it

No it isn't. msg.name is not set...

2023-10-20 12_53_02-Node-RED _

<button class="md-raised md-button md-ink-ripple" onclick="importData()">Upload</button>    

let restoreScope = scope;

function importData() {
  let input = document.createElement('input');
  input.type = 'file';
  input.id = 'restoreBtn';
  input.onchange = _ => {
    // you can use this method to get file and perform respective operations
        let fReader = new FileReader();
        fReader.onloadend = function(event){
            restoreScope.send({'payload':event.target.result, 'name':input.files[0].name})


As that is how you get the name (and attach message properties in general, as it's using the standard practice of an Object being sent)

scope.send({'payload':event.target.result, 'name':input.files[0].name})


I don't use Dashboard - so I may be missing something (plenty around here that use dashboard)

Here is a fiddle of it working, so I'm really not sure why you're not getting name in the debug attached to it (use a small text file)

JSFiddle - Code Playground

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