Unable to manage Mikrotik configuration through the api with Node-Red


I would like to ask about help, with communication with mikrotik. I found Node-Red package node-red-contrib-mikrotik and I'm able read data or write some configuration. But in another cases, I'm unable to send the commands. Problem is I think in parameters, which I'm using in bad way in Node-Red (but for sure, parameters it's self are ok - I tested it directly inside mikrotik console, and they are working).

Some examples:

// It works
msg = {
    "payload": {
    "command": [
// It works
msg = {
    "payload": {
    "command": [


// It' does'nt works (is this command with *88 unsupported in NodeRed or I'm entering it with bad way)?
msg = {
    "payload": {
    "command": [
// It also does'n works (is this command with [...find] parameter unsupported in NodeRed) ?
msg = {
    "payload": {
        "command": [
            "=[find new-packet-mark=blabla]"

Thanks a lot for an each help.