I configured flow as shown in the picture.
I want to input the text and return the response I received from Watson Assistant.
When I checked the Watson Assistant log data, I found that the inputs and outputs were functioning normally.
I know that Watson Assistant Node stores values through "Context". Therefore, function is configured as shown below.
msg.payload = content.get('count');
return msg;
But I couldn't see any results in the Debug Window.
I attach my source. Please let me know what to do.
[{"id":"52e670ed.e278b","type":"watson-conversation-v1","z":"681d6d03.065c14","name":"Watson Assistant","workspaceid":"cd0a571f-2249-4aa2-b00f-1051c7da873b","multiuser":false,"context":true,"empty-payload":true,"default-endpoint":true,"service-endpoint":"https://gateway.watsonplatform.net/assistant/api","timeout":"","optout-learning":true,"x":365,"y":232,"wires":[["af3b6dea.00b79"]]}]