node-red-contrib-keyestudio-relay-shield-ks0212 version 1.3.1 released.
This is a rollup of changes since 1.0.0 I believe this is in a final-ish release state, or good enough for me to move on to the next project (an A/D converter board, should be interesting)
New Features:
Added FOUR new demonstration flows. A traffic light demo operating in multiple modes, disco light sequencer and disco light random blinker, and an Amateur Radio microwave communications station tx/rx sequencer (for non hams, it turns internal parts on and off in strict order with variable delays)
I recorded three YouTube videos as documentary screencasts and linked them to the docs. I hope they help new users.
YouTube video "How to set up": If you need a walk thru on how to install a node...
YouTube video "How to use": I explain, or try to explain, how to use the node and how the five included demo flows work. This is intended to be educational.
YouTube video "Testing Results": I connected the relay board to various electronic workbench test equipment and documented the results. In summary, the hardware performance of the board either vastly exceeds worst case specs or it performs similar to predicted, no problems found. LCR bridge, high voltage insulation tester, oscilloscope for contact latency (vastly faster switching than expected) and bounce, spectrum analyzer with TG to verify RF performance (its sold as a AC/DC power relay but its surprisingly "not bad" as a RF relay). Anyway detailed test results are in the video. I suppose there's no point controlling the hardware unless you know how it actually performs. So I extensively tested it...
Major cleanup of docs and links. Essentially rewrite most of it. Documentation takes time...
Anyway, Merry Christmas and have fun!