This could well be nothing to do with NR but I have to start somewhere.
As some of you know, I run Node-Red 24-7 on an RPi4 32 bit - EVERYTHING up to date....
Except as I just found out - if I wanted to re-install Grafana from scratch - they no longer support 32 bit ARM for InfluxDB - SO - with my fully working Grafana + MQTT + Node-Red setup, I (made a clone first and) did the rpi-update and the change to /boot/config.txt to say to use the 64-bit Raspbian... and rebooted.
Lovely, my existing Grafana works - and Node-Red started up - "Welcome to Node-Red" - flows started - "Zigbee2mqtt-server - refreshing device".... "email sent" - all looking good and then... "Bus Error" in the Node-Red console... NR stopped - end of story.
Any ideas as to how to progress this? I've no idea how to progress "bus error" in the NR console.
Right - new clone - apt-get-update and upgrade... then sudo rpi-update - then the bit in config.txt.
Powers up as AARCH64. Done - and of course, NR is still dead. How do I update my Nodejs 14.74 to 64-bit - any idea? In ignorance I tried sudo apt full-upgrade - no changes. I tried your script - it left nodejs alone....
On second thoughts I don't know if that will make a difference. In fact I don't understand what the change in config.txt actually does. Are you sure that changing it will allow grafana/influx to install?
Oh, dear… Still no Node-Red. Good job this was a clone... oh and I've not yet tackled the 64 but Grafana - I believe that Grafana issue happened at the apt update and apt-upgrade before the rpi-update - as I did apt update and apt upgrade only a couple of days ago on my main SSD and everything was/is working perfectly at that point.
Its the old influx - I'm not worried about that... that came later. The NR BUS ERROR appeared from the first time I upgraded to 64 bit RPI op system... One thing at a time
I could try that now if I could grasp where to put that --node14 flag - I tried it at the start, in the middle - at the end - erm, no... So - where would you put that flag? (don't you hate dumb questions)..
Yup - it's removing the old version 14.x and installing 14.17.4 but no idea if it's the 64 bit verdion (uname -m shows aarch64)... - I'm getting excited now....