Using a raspberry compute module with Node-red

Does anybody know if the rpi-gpio node can be used with a compute module (cm3) ?
The pin out is different and the rpi-gpio node does not detect the board type.


To do this, you need to find the file
~ /.node-red/node_modules/node-red-node-pi-gpio/
Open file in editor sudo nano
and change the line GPIO.setmode (GPIO.BOARD) to GPIO.setmode (GPIO.BCM), exit and save.
Next, enter the GPIO number manually in the window below. For example GPIO16 = 16 but not 36.

Hi Ivan!

I changed the python script you've mentioned.

Just one question about "Next, enter the GPIO number manually in the window below. For example GPIO16 = 16 but not 36."

I don't see any window, where should I input the gpio manually?
I am using the node node-red-node-pi-gpio.

Hi all,

Does someone have an answer to the question of Jamos1988? I'm stuck with the same problem: I don't see any window.

It now allows me to toggle a pin via the flow screen, however, nothing happens on the CM3.

Thanks in advance!