Good day,
I try to use the primevue UI suite with the ui-template in Nodered Dashboard 2.0.
I installed PrimeVue with the npm in the .node-red directory.
In the ui-template I insert the following code to text an example find on the PrimeVue site.
<div class="card flex justify-center">
<v-text> "hello world" </v-text>
<CascadeSelect v-model="selectedCity" :options="countries" optionLabel="cname" optionGroupLabel="name"
:optionGroupChildren="['states', 'cities']" style="min-width: 14rem" placeholder="Select a City">
<template #option="slotProps">
<div class="flex items-center">
<img v-if="slotProps.option.states" :alt="" src="" :class="`flag flag-${slotProps.option.code.toLowerCase()} mr-2`" style="width: 18px" />
<i v-if="slotProps.option.cities" class="pi pi-compass mr-2"></i>
<i v-if="slotProps.option.cname" class="pi pi-map-marker mr-2"></i>
<span>{{ slotProps.option.cname || }}</span>
<script setup>
import { ref } from "vue";
import CascadeSelect from 'primevue/cascadeselect';
const selectedCity = ref();
const countries = ref([
name: 'Australia',
code: 'AU',
states: [
name: 'New South Wales',
cities: [
{ cname: 'Sydney', code: 'A-SY' },
{ cname: 'Newcastle', code: 'A-NE' },
{ cname: 'Wollongong', code: 'A-WO' }
name: 'Queensland',
cities: [
{ cname: 'Brisbane', code: 'A-BR' },
{ cname: 'Townsville', code: 'A-TO' }
name: 'Canada',
code: 'CA',
states: [
name: 'Quebec',
cities: [
{ cname: 'Montreal', code: 'C-MO' },
{ cname: 'Quebec City', code: 'C-QU' }
name: 'Ontario',
cities: [
{ cname: 'Ottawa', code: 'C-OT' },
{ cname: 'Toronto', code: 'C-TO' }
name: 'United States',
code: 'US',
states: [
name: 'California',
cities: [
{ cname: 'Los Angeles', code: 'US-LA' },
{ cname: 'San Diego', code: 'US-SD' },
{ cname: 'San Francisco', code: 'US-SF' }
name: 'Florida',
cities: [
{ cname: 'Jacksonville', code: 'US-JA' },
{ cname: 'Miami', code: 'US-MI' },
{ cname: 'Tampa', code: 'US-TA' },
{ cname: 'Orlando', code: 'US-OR' }
name: 'Texas',
cities: [
{ cname: 'Austin', code: 'US-AU' },
{ cname: 'Dallas', code: 'US-DA' },
{ cname: 'Houston', code: 'US-HO' }
When I deploy the flow I see only the hello world (the v-text part) but the primevue features isn't rendered.
Can someone help me please.
Thanks in advance.