'verifying your are human' Captcha error from node-red flow

Hi, I am trying to automate a public website and generate PDF files with the data.

I can generate files without a Captcha error when working from the Chrome browser.

But when working with Node-red headless browser, It throws 'Verifying you are human' with a captcha error.

Has anyone come across this kind of issue and found a solution? Please suggest some ways to handle this.

You could forego the heavyweight headless browser approach and build pdf files in memory using node-red-contrib-pdf or other similar nodes

Thank you for your response. But issue is not with PDf file. This is with some security issue, I am facing with a captcha error ( checking for human or automation software)

So what is the web page you are trying to access? I read from your first post you were using it to generate PDFs

Website : https://www.ffiec.gov and on providing loan details. it will generate PDF.
I want to download generated PDF file.

Have you googled the problem - https://community.cloudflare.com/t/verifying-human/630153

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