Wanting to update node on Ubuntu. Docs confusing

Having removed nodejs on the ubuntu system it will, of course, fail if you have to restart node-red.

Didn't I re-install it (nodejs) with the sudo apt-get install -y nodejs command?

You didn't tell us you had done that, I don't think. If you installed a different version of nodejs you will need to re-install node-red and run npm install in the .node-red folder in order to rebuild everything for the new version.

Oh poop!

Just now NR is working on the Ubuntu machine.

So I will have to run the update script (for NR) then when that is done: cd .node-red and then npm install to get all the nodes back.



If you run the upgrade script then you don't need to do the rest as that is part of the script. If you don't want to run the script then you can just reinstall node red and then do the npm install. The script does a lot more than just install node-red, it makes sure you have a good version of nodejs and rebuilds if necessary.

I may default to the script so it does all the checking.

Again: Thanks.

Got the Ubuntu one updated and working to 1.0.3 and latest node version. :slight_smile: