Warning in node red console

20 Sep 14:26:27 - [warn] nodes/core/io/lib/mqtt.js is deprecated and will be removed in a future release of Nod e-RED. Please report this usage to the Node-RED mailing list.

20 Sep 14:26:27 - [warn] nodes/core/io/lib/mqttConnectionPool.js is deprecated and will be removed in a future release of Node-RED. Please report this usage to the Node-RED mailing list.

was advised to report this

Thanks @garywilson4

What we really need to know is which node have you got installed that has triggered that warning.

Those files will not exist in our next release and we've been warning about their removal for a couple of years. So it's high time whatever node is using them to be updated.

I think it was homebridge but can't be sure

There are no node-red homebridge nodes, it's probably one of the homekit nodes.

yeah that's what i meant going senile here lol