What is the function of file 【/usr/src/node-red/core】 in Node-Red?

I installed a Docker based Node-Red on the ARM v7 architecture in the Ubuntu system,

It was found that in the Docker, there is a file space occupying a large amount (/usr/src/node-red/core, size 593.1M),

What is the purpose of this file and why does it take up so much space? Can its space occupation be reduced?

It looks like a core dump file following a crash - the timestamp is much more recent than anything else.

Is this a newly created container? What image are you using exactly?

I installed a Docker based Node-Red using the following command,created approximately a month ago:

docker run -v /node_red_data:/data --group-add dialout -p 1880:1880 --privileged=true --restart=always --name mynodered -u root:dialout nodered/node-red

【A core dump file following a crash】

  • What content will be included and under what circumstances will the file be updated?

Thank you for your guidance

  • What content will be included and under what circumstances will the file be updated?

The file is generated by the OS when a process crashes. I don't know all the specific scenarios that can happen in this particular case.

It will include a full snapshot of the process memory and other things to help debug the crash - this is a standard linux thing, nothing specific to Node-RED.

You can delete the file - Node-RED doesn't use it.

Thank you for your great help

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