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"type": "tab",
"label": "Flow 3",
"disabled": false,
"info": ""
"id": "eea9b78c503b9a85",
"type": "function",
"z": "6565a887b9e27bb2",
"name": "Filename generator",
"func": "// Get the current time and convert it to text\nvar now = new Date();\nvar yyyy = now.getFullYear();\nvar mm = now.getMonth() < 9 ? "0" + (now.getMonth() + 1) : (now.getMonth() + 1); // getMonth() is zero-based\nvar dd = now.getDate() < 10 ? "0" + now.getDate() : now.getDate();\nvar hh = now.getHours() < 10 ? "0" + now.getHours() : now.getHours();\nvar mmm = now.getMinutes() < 10 ? "0" + now.getMinutes() : now.getMinutes();\nvar ss = now.getSeconds() < 10 ? "0" + now.getSeconds() : now.getSeconds();\n\n// Generate out file name pattern\nmsg.fname = "maplin_"+ dd + mm + yyyy + ".csv";\n// Full filename with path for the file node later\nmsg.filename = "/home/pi/datalog/"+ msg.fname;\n\n// We save the current payload into a different place on the msg object\nmsg.filecontent = msg.payload;\n\n// We are passing the file name search pattern to fs node to tell us if the file exists or not\nmsg.payload = {"pattern":msg.fname};\n\nnode.status({fill:"blue",shape:"ring",text:msg.fname});\nreturn msg;",
"outputs": 1,
"noerr": 0,
"initialize": "",
"finalize": "",
"libs": ,
"x": 170,
"y": 200,
"wires": [
"id": "66e04245bd7f5aca",
"type": "fs-file-lister",
"z": "6565a887b9e27bb2",
"name": "",
"start": "/home/pi/datalog/",
"pattern": "",
"folders": "*",
"hidden": true,
"lstype": "files",
"path": true,
"single": true,
"depth": 0,
"stat": true,
"showWarnings": false,
"x": 360,
"y": 200,
"wires": [
"id": "fa429e0ed8d04381",
"type": "debug",
"z": "6565a887b9e27bb2",
"name": "",
"active": true,
"tosidebar": true,
"console": false,
"tostatus": true,
"complete": "payload",
"targetType": "msg",
"statusVal": "payload",
"statusType": "auto",
"x": 530,
"y": 100,
"id": "e40cf8a373ca74f0",
"type": "switch",
"z": "6565a887b9e27bb2",
"name": "",
"property": "$count(msg.payload)",
"propertyType": "jsonata",
"rules": [
"t": "eq",
"v": "0",
"vt": "num"
"t": "else"
"checkall": "true",
"repair": false,
"outputs": 2,
"x": 510,
"y": 200,
"wires": [
"id": "fe9d77b4f7c5e330",
"type": "csv",
"z": "6565a887b9e27bb2",
"name": "",
"sep": ",",
"hdrin": false,
"hdrout": "all",
"multi": "one",
"ret": "\n",
"temp": "timestamp,temperature,humidity",
"skip": "0",
"strings": true,
"include_empty_strings": false,
"include_null_values": false,
"x": 850,
"y": 180,
"wires": [
"id": "d426858ecf042060",
"type": "file",
"z": "6565a887b9e27bb2",
"name": "",
"filename": "",
"appendNewline": false,
"createDir": true,
"overwriteFile": "false",
"encoding": "none",
"x": 1010,
"y": 180,
"wires": [
"id": "8b34b7f277503825",
"type": "csv",
"z": "6565a887b9e27bb2",
"name": "",
"sep": ",",
"hdrin": "",
"hdrout": "none",
"multi": "one",
"ret": "\n",
"temp": "timestamp,temperature,humidity",
"skip": "0",
"strings": true,
"x": 850,
"y": 220,
"wires": [
"id": "e8daeb3af7220a1b",
"type": "change",
"z": "6565a887b9e27bb2",
"name": "Get file content",
"rules": [
"t": "set",
"p": "payload",
"pt": "msg",
"to": "filecontent",
"tot": "msg"
"action": "",
"property": "",
"from": "",
"to": "",
"reg": false,
"x": 680,
"y": 180,
"wires": [
"id": "5ed750fb056c5df3",
"type": "change",
"z": "6565a887b9e27bb2",
"name": "Get file content",
"rules": [
"t": "set",
"p": "payload",
"pt": "msg",
"to": "filecontent",
"tot": "msg"
"action": "",
"property": "",
"from": "",
"to": "",
"reg": false,
"x": 680,
"y": 220,
"wires": [
"id": "2d077b4796ad0818",
"type": "function",
"z": "6565a887b9e27bb2",
"name": "Set data",
"func": "var now = new Date();\n\nmsg.payload = {\n "timestamp" : now.toLocaleTimeString(),\n "temperature" : msg.FLOW,\n "humidity" : msg.LEVEL\n}\nreturn msg;",
"outputs": 1,
"noerr": 0,
"initialize": "",
"finalize": "",
"libs": ,
"x": 160,
"y": 300,
"wires": [
"id": "c1ec9682493b9ef2",
"type": "function",
"z": "6565a887b9e27bb2",
"name": "",
"func": "msg.payload = {\n 'fc': 3, \n 'unitid': 1, \n 'address': 100,\n 'quantity': 60 \n } \nreturn msg;",
"outputs": 1,
"noerr": 0,
"initialize": "",
"finalize": "",
"libs": ,
"x": 280,
"y": 460,
"wires": [
"id": "1b23fcc0de424eb8",
"type": "modbus-flex-getter",
"z": "6565a887b9e27bb2",
"name": "",
"showStatusActivities": false,
"showErrors": false,
"logIOActivities": false,
"server": "8c89c617315aba69",
"useIOFile": false,
"ioFile": "",
"useIOForPayload": false,
"emptyMsgOnFail": false,
"keepMsgProperties": false,
"x": 470,
"y": 460,
"wires": [
"id": "3c8c211e96686b93",
"type": "inject",
"z": "6565a887b9e27bb2",
"name": "",
"props": [
"p": "payload"
"p": "topic",
"vt": "str"
"repeat": "60",
"crontab": "",
"once": false,
"onceDelay": "60",
"topic": "",
"payloadType": "date",
"x": 110,
"y": 460,
"wires": [
"info": "ACC Automation Sample Code"
"id": "f75070de6ebc675b",
"type": "function",
"z": "6565a887b9e27bb2",
"name": "",
"func": "msg.payload = [msg.payload[4],msg.payload[3]];\nlet pay = msg.payload;\n\nconst buf = Buffer.allocUnsafe(4);\nbuf.writeUInt16BE(pay[0],2);\nbuf.writeUInt16BE(pay[1],0);\n\nmsg.payload = buf.readFloatBE(0).toFixed(2);\nreturn msg;",
"outputs": 1,
"noerr": 0,
"initialize": "",
"finalize": "",
"libs": ,
"x": 680,
"y": 460,
"wires": [
"id": "55b2640dc330c397",
"type": "change",
"z": "6565a887b9e27bb2",
"name": "",
"rules": [
"t": "move",
"p": "payload",
"pt": "msg",
"to": "FLOW",
"tot": "msg"
"action": "",
"property": "",
"from": "",
"to": "",
"reg": false,
"x": 870,
"y": 460,
"wires": [
"id": "81b46f9f4174485c",
"type": "function",
"z": "6565a887b9e27bb2",
"name": "",
"func": "msg.payload = [msg.payload[24],msg.payload[23]];\nlet pay = msg.payload;\n\nconst buf = Buffer.allocUnsafe(4);\nbuf.writeUInt16BE(pay[0],2);\nbuf.writeUInt16BE(pay[1],0);\n\nmsg.payload = buf.readFloatBE(0).toFixed(2);\nreturn msg;",
"outputs": 1,
"noerr": 0,
"initialize": "",
"finalize": "",
"libs": ,
"x": 680,
"y": 500,
"wires": [
"id": "e29b9b4f1758b92c",
"type": "change",
"z": "6565a887b9e27bb2",
"name": "",
"rules": [
"t": "move",
"p": "payload",
"pt": "msg",
"to": "LEVEL",
"tot": "msg"
"action": "",
"property": "",
"from": "",
"to": "",
"reg": false,
"x": 870,
"y": 500,
"wires": [
"id": "8c89c617315aba69",
"type": "modbus-client",
"name": "LOCATION_2",
"clienttype": "tcp",
"bufferCommands": false,
"stateLogEnabled": false,
"queueLogEnabled": false,
"tcpHost": "",
"tcpPort": "502",
"tcpType": "DEFAULT",
"serialPort": "/dev/ttyUSB",
"serialType": "RTU-BUFFERD",
"serialBaudrate": "9600",
"serialDatabits": "8",
"serialStopbits": "1",
"serialParity": "none",
"serialConnectionDelay": "100",
"serialAsciiResponseStartDelimiter": "",
"unit_id": "1",
"commandDelay": "0",
"clientTimeout": "1000",
"reconnectOnTimeout": true,
"reconnectTimeout": "2000",
"parallelUnitIdsAllowed": false
Please edit your post and put the code between backticks:
your code
or use the code icon in the text editor:
thanks for reply . Please check my flow file code:
"id": "6565a887b9e27bb2",
"type": "tab",
"label": "Flow 3",
"disabled": false,
"info": ""
"id": "eea9b78c503b9a85",
"type": "function",
"z": "6565a887b9e27bb2",
"name": "Filename generator",
"func": "// Get the current time and convert it to text\nvar now = new Date();\nvar yyyy = now.getFullYear();\nvar mm = now.getMonth() < 9 ? \"0\" + (now.getMonth() + 1) : (now.getMonth() + 1); // getMonth() is zero-based\nvar dd = now.getDate() < 10 ? \"0\" + now.getDate() : now.getDate();\nvar hh = now.getHours() < 10 ? \"0\" + now.getHours() : now.getHours();\nvar mmm = now.getMinutes() < 10 ? \"0\" + now.getMinutes() : now.getMinutes();\nvar ss = now.getSeconds() < 10 ? \"0\" + now.getSeconds() : now.getSeconds();\n\n// Generate out file name pattern\nmsg.fname = \"maplin_\"+ dd + mm + yyyy + \".csv\";\n// Full filename with path for the file node later\nmsg.filename = \"/home/pi/datalog/\"+ msg.fname;\n\n// We save the current payload into a different place on the msg object\nmsg.filecontent = msg.payload;\n\n// We are passing the file name search pattern to fs node to tell us if the file exists or not\nmsg.payload = {\"pattern\":msg.fname};\n\nnode.status({fill:\"blue\",shape:\"ring\",text:msg.fname});\nreturn msg;",
"outputs": 1,
"noerr": 0,
"initialize": "",
"finalize": "",
"libs": [],
"x": 170,
"y": 200,
"wires": [
"id": "66e04245bd7f5aca",
"type": "fs-file-lister",
"z": "6565a887b9e27bb2",
"name": "",
"start": "/home/pi/datalog/",
"pattern": "",
"folders": "*",
"hidden": true,
"lstype": "files",
"path": true,
"single": true,
"depth": 0,
"stat": true,
"showWarnings": false,
"x": 360,
"y": 200,
"wires": [
"id": "fa429e0ed8d04381",
"type": "debug",
"z": "6565a887b9e27bb2",
"name": "",
"active": true,
"tosidebar": true,
"console": false,
"tostatus": true,
"complete": "payload",
"targetType": "msg",
"statusVal": "payload",
"statusType": "auto",
"x": 530,
"y": 100,
"wires": []
"id": "e40cf8a373ca74f0",
"type": "switch",
"z": "6565a887b9e27bb2",
"name": "",
"property": "$count(msg.payload)",
"propertyType": "jsonata",
"rules": [
"t": "eq",
"v": "0",
"vt": "num"
"t": "else"
"checkall": "true",
"repair": false,
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"x": 510,
"y": 200,
"wires": [
"id": "fe9d77b4f7c5e330",
"type": "csv",
"z": "6565a887b9e27bb2",
"name": "",
"sep": ",",
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"ret": "\\n",
"temp": "timestamp,temperature,humidity",
"skip": "0",
"strings": true,
"include_empty_strings": false,
"include_null_values": false,
"x": 850,
"y": 180,
"wires": [
"id": "d426858ecf042060",
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"z": "6565a887b9e27bb2",
"name": "",
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"appendNewline": false,
"createDir": true,
"overwriteFile": "false",
"encoding": "none",
"x": 1010,
"y": 180,
"wires": [
"id": "8b34b7f277503825",
"type": "csv",
"z": "6565a887b9e27bb2",
"name": "",
"sep": ",",
"hdrin": "",
"hdrout": "none",
"multi": "one",
"ret": "\\n",
"temp": "timestamp,temperature,humidity",
"skip": "0",
"strings": true,
"x": 850,
"y": 220,
"wires": [
"id": "e8daeb3af7220a1b",
"type": "change",
"z": "6565a887b9e27bb2",
"name": "Get file content",
"rules": [
"t": "set",
"p": "payload",
"pt": "msg",
"to": "filecontent",
"tot": "msg"
"action": "",
"property": "",
"from": "",
"to": "",
"reg": false,
"x": 680,
"y": 180,
"wires": [
"id": "5ed750fb056c5df3",
"type": "change",
"z": "6565a887b9e27bb2",
"name": "Get file content",
"rules": [
"t": "set",
"p": "payload",
"pt": "msg",
"to": "filecontent",
"tot": "msg"
"action": "",
"property": "",
"from": "",
"to": "",
"reg": false,
"x": 680,
"y": 220,
"wires": [
"id": "2d077b4796ad0818",
"type": "function",
"z": "6565a887b9e27bb2",
"name": "Set data",
"func": "var now = new Date();\n\nmsg.payload = {\n \"timestamp\" : now.toLocaleTimeString(),\n \"temperature\" : msg.FLOW,\n \"humidity\" : msg.LEVEL\n}\nreturn msg;",
"outputs": 1,
"noerr": 0,
"initialize": "",
"finalize": "",
"libs": [],
"x": 160,
"y": 300,
"wires": [
"id": "c1ec9682493b9ef2",
"type": "function",
"z": "6565a887b9e27bb2",
"name": "",
"func": "msg.payload = {\n 'fc': 3, \n 'unitid': 1, \n 'address': 100,\n 'quantity': 60 \n } \nreturn msg;",
"outputs": 1,
"noerr": 0,
"initialize": "",
"finalize": "",
"libs": [],
"x": 280,
"y": 460,
"wires": [
"id": "1b23fcc0de424eb8",
"type": "modbus-flex-getter",
"z": "6565a887b9e27bb2",
"name": "",
"showStatusActivities": false,
"showErrors": false,
"logIOActivities": false,
"server": "8c89c617315aba69",
"useIOFile": false,
"ioFile": "",
"useIOForPayload": false,
"emptyMsgOnFail": false,
"keepMsgProperties": false,
"x": 470,
"y": 460,
"wires": [
"id": "3c8c211e96686b93",
"type": "inject",
"z": "6565a887b9e27bb2",
"name": "",
"props": [
"p": "payload"
"p": "topic",
"vt": "str"
"repeat": "60",
"crontab": "",
"once": false,
"onceDelay": "60",
"topic": "",
"payloadType": "date",
"x": 110,
"y": 460,
"wires": [
"info": "ACC Automation Sample Code"
"id": "f75070de6ebc675b",
"type": "function",
"z": "6565a887b9e27bb2",
"name": "",
"func": "msg.payload = [msg.payload[4],msg.payload[3]];\nlet pay = msg.payload;\n\nconst buf = Buffer.allocUnsafe(4);\nbuf.writeUInt16BE(pay[0],2);\nbuf.writeUInt16BE(pay[1],0);\n\nmsg.payload = buf.readFloatBE(0).toFixed(2);\nreturn msg;",
"outputs": 1,
"noerr": 0,
"initialize": "",
"finalize": "",
"libs": [],
"x": 680,
"y": 460,
"wires": [
"id": "55b2640dc330c397",
"type": "change",
"z": "6565a887b9e27bb2",
"name": "",
"rules": [
"t": "move",
"p": "payload",
"pt": "msg",
"to": "FLOW",
"tot": "msg"
"action": "",
"property": "",
"from": "",
"to": "",
"reg": false,
"x": 870,
"y": 460,
"wires": [
"id": "81b46f9f4174485c",
"type": "function",
"z": "6565a887b9e27bb2",
"name": "",
"func": "msg.payload = [msg.payload[24],msg.payload[23]];\nlet pay = msg.payload;\n\nconst buf = Buffer.allocUnsafe(4);\nbuf.writeUInt16BE(pay[0],2);\nbuf.writeUInt16BE(pay[1],0);\n\nmsg.payload = buf.readFloatBE(0).toFixed(2);\nreturn msg;",
"outputs": 1,
"noerr": 0,
"initialize": "",
"finalize": "",
"libs": [],
"x": 680,
"y": 500,
"wires": [
"id": "e29b9b4f1758b92c",
"type": "change",
"z": "6565a887b9e27bb2",
"name": "",
"rules": [
"t": "move",
"p": "payload",
"pt": "msg",
"to": "LEVEL",
"tot": "msg"
"action": "",
"property": "",
"from": "",
"to": "",
"reg": false,
"x": 870,
"y": 500,
"wires": [
"id": "8c89c617315aba69",
"type": "modbus-client",
"name": "LOCATION_2",
"clienttype": "tcp",
"bufferCommands": false,
"stateLogEnabled": false,
"queueLogEnabled": false,
"tcpHost": "",
"tcpPort": "502",
"tcpType": "DEFAULT",
"serialPort": "/dev/ttyUSB",
"serialType": "RTU-BUFFERD",
"serialBaudrate": "9600",
"serialDatabits": "8",
"serialStopbits": "1",
"serialParity": "none",
"serialConnectionDelay": "100",
"serialAsciiResponseStartDelimiter": "",
"unit_id": "1",
"commandDelay": "0",
"clientTimeout": "1000",
"reconnectOnTimeout": true,
"reconnectTimeout": "2000",
"parallelUnitIdsAllowed": false
After you flex getter node you spilt the msg. so now you have two messages each writting its own line.
You would be better keeping the flow on one wire
[{"id":"2d077b4796ad0818","type":"function","z":"6565a887b9e27bb2","name":"Set data","func":"var now = new Date();\n\nmsg.payload = {\n \"timestamp\" : now.toLocaleTimeString(),\n \"temperature\" : msg.hold.one,\n \"humidity\" : msg.hold.two\n}\nreturn msg;","outputs":1,"noerr":0,"initialize":"","finalize":"","x":160,"y":300,"wires":[["eea9b78c503b9a85"]]},{"id":"eea9b78c503b9a85","type":"function","z":"6565a887b9e27bb2","name":"Filename generator","func":"// Get the current time and convert it to text\nvar now = new Date();\nvar yyyy = now.getFullYear();\nvar mm = now.getMonth() < 9 ? \"0\" + (now.getMonth() + 1) : (now.getMonth() + 1); // getMonth() is zero-based\nvar dd = now.getDate() < 10 ? \"0\" + now.getDate() : now.getDate();\nvar hh = now.getHours() < 10 ? \"0\" + now.getHours() : now.getHours();\nvar mmm = now.getMinutes() < 10 ? \"0\" + now.getMinutes() : now.getMinutes();\nvar ss = now.getSeconds() < 10 ? \"0\" + now.getSeconds() : now.getSeconds();\n\n// Generate out file name pattern\nmsg.fname = \"maplin_\"+ dd + mm + yyyy + \".csv\";\n// Full filename with path for the file node later\nmsg.filename = \"/home/pi/datalog/\"+ msg.fname;\n\n// We save the current payload into a different place on the msg object\nmsg.filecontent = msg.payload;\n\n// We are passing the file name search pattern to fs node to tell us if the file exists or not\nmsg.payload = {\"pattern\":msg.fname};\n\nnode.status({fill:\"blue\",shape:\"ring\",text:msg.fname});\nreturn msg;","outputs":1,"noerr":0,"initialize":"","finalize":"","x":170,"y":200,"wires":[["66e04245bd7f5aca"]]},{"id":"7b352222.f800d4","type":"function","z":"6565a887b9e27bb2","name":"","func":"let pay = [msg.payload[24],msg.payload[23]];\n\nconst buf = Buffer.allocUnsafe(4);\nbuf.writeUInt16BE(pay[0],2);\nbuf.writeUInt16BE(pay[1],0);\n\nmsg.hold.two = buf.readFloatBE(0).toFixed(2);\nreturn 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Untested as i do not have your data or modbus installed. You could do all the single functions in one to.
thanks a ton
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