Windows 8.1 node-red-contrib-machine-learning

I am trying to use node red machine learning package (node-red-contrib-machine-learning) on windows 8.1. I could not make it work. I have checked few posts regarding issues running this package on windows. Is the issue solved now or is there any other alternate package i can use for python machine learning.

Do you have all the pre-req's installed?

Pre requisites

Be sure to have a working installation of Node-RED.
Install python and the following libraries:

I'm not a windows man, but this is the first question I would ask along with

  1. what version or NR?
  2. What vrsion of node.js
    (you can get both from the NR startup log)

From python - Error in node-red-contrib-machine-learning - Stack Overflow I'd say no

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Many thanks for prompt reply.
Yes, I have the pre-reqs intalled
NR version: v0.19.0
Node.js version: v8.9.3

Thanks for the feedback. Are you aware of anyother machine learning packages?

Sorry no :frowning:

I have Python2.7 and Python3 installed on my system. Is there a way i can check what version of python node red is using

Call Python from an exec node. python --version returns the version. e.g. Python 2.7.14