I want to change token in http request function via node red dashboard, it's like I write a new token through the dashboard and it changes in the flow.
It can or cannot? How? please help me
I want to change token in http request function via node red dashboard, it's like I write a new token through the dashboard and it changes in the flow.
It can or cannot? How? please help me
have example? I really can't.
prior to http node set msg.token to the token value. Then {{token}} will be replaced by the msg.token value you have set.
This is all mentioned in the side bar nodes docs.
When configured within the node, the URL property can contain mustache-style tags. These allow the url to be constructed using values of the incoming message. For example, if the url is set to
, it will have the value ofmsg.topic
automatically inserted. Using {{{...}}} prevents mustache from escaping characters like / & etc
if you require more help provide an example of your flow, following the instructions below.
In order to make code readable and usable it is necessary to surround your code with three backticks (also known as a left quote or backquote ```
code goes here
See this post for more details - How to share code or flow json
Youn may also benifit from watching the essentials videos which will give you a better understanding of node-red feature etc.
Read the side bar notes
url (string)
If not configured in the node, this optional property sets the url of the request.
If you wish to use msg.url and supply the whole http url then leave the field blank
I did it, thank you very much.