A Dark-Theme for Node-RED here!

Cool! Thanks :slight_smile:

Maybe the developers can accept your fork and merge into the master as choosable option?

I just realized it is not possible to turn on "Dark mode" at Settings by default. I've thought I'm missing something, because I'm still learning NR and it seemed unlogical there is no option for that. :thinking:

Searched the forum how to enable it and found your topics. (This too...)
So I guess it's not possible except downloading and installing your forked version every time a new comes out?

Sadly the Browser extension does not convert the white editor into black, and removes other useful colors too. So it's useless:

I do not understand why the low interest. If the developers do not know if it's important enough,
maybe the @moderators could create a poll on this forum:

  • "Would you like dark mode theme? (Black background appearance)"
    [Always] [Sometimes] [Never] [ Do not show me polls ]

Would be a nice Xmas gift for us :christmas_tree:

(At least this forum system can handle dark modem so luckily it does not hurt my eye while I'm typing this message at 04:50am.)

PS: I like the 4-space intent. Maybe that could be an option at settings too.