A Simple Gemini-Pro chat interface

I've created a basic flow for an interface for Google's Gemini-Pro model API that can be found here

Link for API key doesn't seem to work for me ?

It should work, it was directly copied from here: Quickstart: Get started with the Gemini API in Node.js applications  |  Google AI for Developers

try the link on that page instead


Hmm, I don't see anything in there TOS about region restrictions, but what area of the world are you accessing it from?

You may need to be signed into a google account if you are not already.

In the UK, and using Chrome (signed in) -

If I sign out first, then follow link I'm asked to sign in again....

Found it Google AI Studio ve Gemini API'de kullanılabilen diller ve bölgeler  |  Google AI for Developers

180 countries but not the UK of all places, sorry maybe it will be available soon or you could try VPN

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There are places on that list I have never even heard of :wink:

They have probably fallen out with the UK government about some thing !

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Not any European countries, but strangely Jersey, Guernsey and Gibraltar