Ability to structure flows

Hi @kuema ,

Thanks for the response. Groups is really great for readability in the Outline view - that's exactly the navigation I wanted. (this is my second day using node-red, so thanks for introducing me to Groups :+1: ).

However, as you suggested, I'm ideally wanting to structure/group Tabs under the Outline Flows.

I'm currently using a pseudo naming standard to replicate folders. e.g.

The reasoning behind having structured/grouped Tabs, was to:

  • Reduce team member commit conflicts (e.g. I assume Tabs handled as separate files on the backend... ?)
  • Improve the readability of complex Tabs (by de-composing them into smaller units)
  • Improve readability in the Outline

I'll continue looking around (still early days for me)...

Found these:

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