Any questions about Node-RED Dashboard.
Hello Nick,
I have pixy camera with robot. The software for this camera is on the local disc and it works on ubuntu gnome terminal without any problem. the matter I want to start this software from a button on node red dashboard. I tried many times without success. I have even used exec node with python and sh file in order to launch the pixymon file as command from the dashboard but doesn’t work. Dear colleagues, if any solution is available, please i’m in need in my study. Thank in advance
Hello Nick,
I have pixy camera with robot. The software for this camera is on the local disc and it works on ubuntu gnome terminal without any problem. the matter I want to start this software from a button on node red dashboard. I tried many times without success. I have even used exec node with python and sh file in order to launch the pixymon file as command from the dashboard but doesn’t work. Dear colleagues, if any solution is available, please i’m in need in my study. Thank in advance
I am creating a Node-Red instance to replace old software we use for Quality monitoring on packaging lines. The status of the process has to be seen at a distance and one of the means was to turn the colors of the barcode monitoring text boxes Red or Green, other colors depending on what's going on.
My question to you is how can I access the configuration settings under "Dashboard, Theme, Widget background" in order to programatically change them, or is it even possible? Or how about the rest of the settings? Perhaps in a new release?
hi knolleary
how to display database data into table format using node-red
[{"id":"6cf99918.47b548","type":"mysql","z":"75199c5f.4654a4","mydb":"ea7d7217.33e48","name":"Bus","x":1115,"y":243,"wires":[["7a5779ba.af02d8"]]},{"id":"81bf08f3.5b41a8","type":"inject","z":"75199c5f.4654a4","name":"","topic":"","payload":"","payloadType":"date","repeat":"","crontab":"","once":false,"onceDelay":0.1,"x":742,"y":243,"wires":[["51b45161.edf77"]]},{"id":"7a5779ba.af02d8","type":"debug","z":"75199c5f.4654a4","name":"","active":true,"tosidebar":true,"console":false,"tostatus":false,"complete":"payload","x":1296,"y":243,"wires":},{"id":"51b45161.edf77","type":"function","z":"75199c5f.4654a4","name":"select","func":"msg.topic = "SELECT * FROM bus ";\nreturn msg;\n","outputs":1,"noerr":0,"x":927,"y":241,"wires":[["6cf99918.47b548"]]},{"id":"ea7d7217.33e48","type":"MySQLdatabase","z":"","host":"","port":"3306","db":"dummy","tz":"GMT+5:30"}]
this is my to display this data into table format in ui
Please see this post on how to share a flow so that it is importable. Currently we cannot import it.
i want to display an image from local directory on dashboard but i don't know how to do it?
Hi Nick,
I'm playing around with the UI Dashboard(Dropdown node) & dynamically changing the placeholder text field. I've tried the {{msg.topic/label/value etc}} method, which DOES work for the Label & Payload fields of the node!?. Am i going to have to use a template to achieve this?
Hi I'm unable to install node-red dashoard using- npm install node-red-dashboard.
Errors: there are so many errors including- fatal error: node_api.h: No such file or directory
#include <node_api.h> and also build error.
Looking forward for any help.
I think it would be better for you to start a new thread titled something like "Unable to install Dashboard" rather than adding this to an old thread. When you start the thread tell what OS you are running on, how you installed node-red and post the full log you get when you run that command. Use the </>
button and paste the log where it says.
ola, como faço para uma pessoa ter acesso a minha dashboard através do link
I have installed mdashboard and dashboard both in nodered due to which I am unable to browse UI in browser it gives message add flows in ui .
How can disable used functions of mdashboard to uninstall mdashboard.
Remove all the mdashboard nodes from the flow and deploy. Then check in the menu option Configuration Nodes that there are no unused config nodes related to mdashboard.
Hello, I have a question using "node-red-contrib-ui-etable". In the node properties I try to define a filter like this:
"title": "P_Kw",
"field": "P_Kw",
"width": "5%",
"editor": "input",
"headerFilter": "list",
"headerFilterParams": {
"valuesLookup": true,
"clearable": true
But without result, I don't get the filter visible below the title in my table on the dashboard. I read many times Tabulator doc. but without succes. If somebody could help me to fit this filter in a good way ?
Hello, after a while, I found my error.
this node "node-red-contrib-ui-etable" is a version 4.6.3 and should therefore be linked to the Tabulator v 4.6 documentation.
After that it's clearer and the instruction I'm looking for is :
"title": "P_Kw",
"field": "P_Kw",
"width": 55,
"headerFilter": "select",
"headerFilterParams": {
"values": true
It works... Yes
Hello, I have a question using "node-red-contrib-ui-etable". In the node Properties I try to define a filter like this:
if(row.getData().Situation == "Déclassé"){
row.getElement().style.backgroundColor = "#d4d9d8";
How can I add this filter in the node Properties - Options ?
"movableColumns": true,
"resizableColumns": true,
"selectable": 1,
"responsiveLayout": "collapse",
"autoResize": true,
"layout": "fitColumns",
"pagination": "local",
"height": "1000px",
"groupBy": "system",
"groupStartOpen": true
Could you help me to fit this filter ?
I try this but it doesn't work !!!
"movableColumns": true,
"resizableColumns": true,
"selectable": 1,
"responsiveLayout": "collapse",
"autoResize": true,
"layout": "fitColumns",
"pagination": "local",
"height": "1000px",
"groupBy": "system",
"groupStartOpen": true,
"func": "rowFormatter: function(row) {\n if (row.getData().Situation == \"Déclassé\") {\n row.getElement().style.backgroundColor = \"#8e9191\";\n }\n }"
If someone could tell me how to pass this option in the Properties...