Access from mobile phone

normally I change something in the Nodered (not in the Dashboar) from computer and from Android mobile phone.
Since I secured the access from the IP:1880, I have no access from my mobile phone Chrome.
I cannot see the login field with username and password.

In the Android: Left from the IP adress there is a exclamation mark in triangle and if I click on that then is written "Connection is not safe" and the cookies field. There are 3 cookies used. I can delete them, but therefore no access.

If I start a Incognito tab with the IP:1880 there is the login field and it works. But this cannot be the solution.

I made this with the hash: Securing Node-RED : Node-RED

In my computer it works also with the login field.
(Dashboard works on computer and on mobilephone.
What can I do?


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