Accessing data on Sqlite3 from Node-Red on Docker

I have tried to ask this question on at Docker Community, but so far no reaction, so even though I suppose this might be off topic, I take the chance to submit a question here.

I am new to Docker, but I was able to run a Docker image with Node-Red and another with alnoda/sqlite3-workspace. I am able to create tables and accessing Node-Red works like a dream. I now need to access the database at the sqlite3 image, but have absolutely no idea on how this is done. I know how to do it and have made it work on linux distros, but this is a new concept to me - have been testing Docker for a few days, and love it!
One of my problems is that I run docker on Window 11, and most of the information I find is aimed at linux, and I don't want to install an system running linux, though I have some Raspberry Pi system I might use, so if that's the only option, I'll go for it.

Best regards

Ulf H.

For me the simplest way is to use Docker Compose to configure all the containers - then when they start they can automatically resolve each other via their short name.

Thank you so much!
I'm afraid I'm not able to do what you wish, because I don't know the right syntax.
Docker Desktop shows me a container space-1 that is connected to the image alnoda/sqlite-workspace. I guess in this case space-1 is the short name?

I can access a web browser using localhost:8032, and then I can see the database and manipulate as I want. The database file is: /home/project/sqlite-db/db-main.sqlite.
I have created a database Limoen with two columns which I want to manipulate from Node-Red, but I don't know howto specify the database name in the sqlite node.

Best regards

Ulf H.

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